The Public Disclosure Commission voted to make inflationary adjustments to campaign finance reporting thresholds and contribution limits. The new, higher limits take effect April 1, 2023.
Reports of March activity that are due in April should use the thresholds and limits that were applicable prior to April 1. The new values will apply to activity in April and going forward.
You can preview the changes on our website or subscribe to our email list on Legal Updates to receive further information. If you have questions, email us at

The Public Disclosure Commission voted last month to make inflationary adjustments to campaign finance reporting thresholds and contribution limits. The new, higher limits take effect April 1, 2023.

Among the changes:

  • Limits on contributions from individuals and most organizations to candidates for state legislative office or local office will rise from $1,000 to $1,200 per election.
  • Limits for statewide and judicial races will rise from $2,000 to $2,400 per election.
  • Small campaigns that choose the mini-reporting option will be able to raise and spend up to $7,000. The previous limit was $5,000.
  • The maximum limit that a candidate can loan to their own campaign and be reimbursed from campaign funds will rise from $6,000 to $7,500.
  • The threshold for reporting the identity of a contributor increases from $25 to $100 and the threshold for disclosing their occupation and employer rises from $100 to $250.

Reports of March activity that are due in April should use the thresholds and limits that were applicable prior to April 1. The new values will apply to activity in April and going forward.

You can preview the changes on our website. PDC staff will begin updating other PDC website content to reflect the new contribution limits and reporting thresholds the week of April 3. PDC staff also are working to make necessary changes in electronic reporting applications. 

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