A message from Steven Hatting
President & CEO
Washington Policy Center
Olympia, WA – March 24, 2025 – If you’ve been following the legislative session and judicial news in 2025, you’ve seen the devastations occurring to our rights, our freedom and our economic future. From proposed tax hikes totaling 5X more than any previous tax hike in our state’s history to dismantling the repeal of the natural gas ban, to gutting the Parents’ Bill of Rights, our voices have been lost in Olympia. Billions of our dollars continue to fuel environmental programs without any measure of success. Each week I hear from another business leader moving out of our state, where our business tax climate has been on a decade-long free fall from 5th best in the nation to 5th worst. And this was before the new tax proposals that are sure to cause “lasting damage” according to Microsoft President Brad Smith.
Here’s one way you can help now: Watch this report from WPC VP for Research Todd Myers and share it with your friends, family and co-workers in Washington state. Please ask them to do the same. When there is competition among political parties, extremist tendencies are held in check by fear of the other party comping to power, but when one-party rule becomes too lopsided, the minority power is diminished and accountability must come from an outcry from the people. People must speak loudly and with clarity. We must come together to ask more questions and demand better answers from our state’s leaders.
Thank you for your help. We all want a brighter future for Washington, but we won’t get it if we stay on our current path.
(Todd Myers highlights where we are in the legislative session, focusing on the unsustainable budget proposal and the court ruling that overturned I-2066. Visit our homepage for the latest Washington news: https://washingtonpolicy.org Sign up for the WPC FREE newsletter: https://washingtonpolicy.org/signup )
Here’s the report: