This in from State Representative and House GOP Leader J.T. Wilcox:

State lawmakers reached their first deadline of the legislative session today: policy committee cutoff. This means all bills needed to pass out of their respective policy committees in their house of origin by today, or they are considered “dead.” Although, no bill is ever officially “dead” until the gavel drops on the last day.

These deadlines are helpful to state lawmakers, constituents and stakeholders engaged in the legislative process. Each one helps narrow down the universe of legislation being considered. You can find the 2023 Session Cutoff Calendar here.

Next Friday is fiscal committee cutoff. The Week Ahead calendar can be found on this webpage.

A list of good and bad bills

I am often asked to share a list of good and bad bills. This seems like a simple request, but it can be complicated because people have different views on what’s good and bad. With that caveat, you can find a recently updated list here.

I discuss some of these bills — including updates on vehicular pursuit, salmon recovery and House Republican housing solutions — in my weekly video update. You can find House Republican priorities, including bill numbers and descriptions, on this webpageThe Ledger

Another question I get is: “Where can I find more information?” My answer is: The Ledger.

The Ledger is a legislative news aggregator that is updated daily. This platform was created for anyone who wants to stay apprised of what’s happening in the Legislature and state government. I again encourage you to bookmark and share the link.

Participating in the legislative process | new video and webpage

Rep. Peter Abbarno recently created this video which explains how to communicate with state lawmakers and participate in the legislative process. This new webpage has both Peter’s video and simple, step-by-step instructions. Both are great resources.

Some people like to come to Olympia, meet with state lawmakers and testify in person. Others don’t have the time or perhaps don’t want to navigate the Capitol. Either way, you can make a difference in the Legislature.

Day of Remembrance 

In closing, the House paused to observe Day of Remembrance on Thursday. Republicans and Democrats provided floor speeches in support of House Resolution 4615, including Reps. Drew Stokesbary and Stephanie McClintock. The resolution honors Japanese Americans who suffered relocation and internment during World War II. I take this day very seriously. No one should think that this injustice could never happen again or that it couldn’t happen to them. You can watch the day’s ceremonies here.


Rep. J.T. Wilcox
House Republican Leader
(360) 786-7912