Background and Motivation

Matthew Roberson, a candidate for the Washington State Legislature representing the 24th District, brings a unique perspective shaped by personal adversity and professional dedication. Growing up in a challenging environment marked by poverty, prescription drug abuse, and homelessness, Matthew rose above these obstacles to build a career serving his community and ensuring the safety of his neighbors. Motivated by a deep concern for the future of Washington and a desire to provide his daughter and future generations with the same opportunities he had, Matthew decided to run for the Legislature. His core Republican principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, the free market, private property, limited government, and the worth and dignity of each person form the foundation of his legislative agenda.

Key Issues

Matthew identifies three urgent issues in the 24th District: community safety, affordable living, and education. He believes the government’s fundamental duty is to protect the lives and property of its citizens while recognizing the importance of limited government intervention beyond constitutional duties. He advocates for policies that foster personal responsibility and uphold the American spirit of free agency. He emphasizes the importance of private property rights and efficient use of taxpayer funds, arguing against unnecessary governmental interference in daily life.

Economic Development

Matthew is committed to stimulating economic growth in the 24th District, which includes diverse sectors such as tourism, agriculture, and forestry. He proposes several strategies to achieve this, including:

  1. Mandating sunset provisions for all new regulations.
  2. Repealing regulations and taxes that impose unnecessary costs on local businesses.
  3. Simplifying economic development grants and programs.
  4. Ending Washington’s war on timber.
  5. Reducing hurdles for workforce housing.
  6. Ensuring environmental regulations are science-based.
  7. Focusing on reducing transportation costs and enhancing the use of port facilities.

Environmental Policy

Matthew is dedicated to balancing environmental conservation with private property rights. He advocates for:

  1. Ensuring environmental spending and policy are science-based.
  2. Reforming the Growth Management Act to simplify regulatory processes.
  3. Encouraging innovation over government mandates.
  4. Compensating property owners for substantial changes in land use regulations.


Reflecting Republican values of educational choice and local control, Matthew supports:

  1. Expanding trades and skills education in community colleges.
  2. Reducing the size and mission of OSPI to allow more direct funding to schools.
  3. Involving local school boards, parents, and teachers in curriculum selection.
  4. Supporting charter schools and skills centers to provide diverse educational opportunities.
  5. Opposing mandatory victim/oppressor curriculum in schools.

Health Care

To enhance healthcare accessibility and affordability in the 24th District, particularly in rural areas, Matthew proposes:

  1. Reforming certificate of need regulations.
  2. Simplifying licensing for out-of-state medical professionals.
  3. Tackling the housing crisis to improve medical service availability.
  4. Supporting reimbursement reforms for rural hospitals.
  5. Encouraging transparent and understandable medical billing.


To address the affordable housing challenge, Matthew advocates for:

  1. Simplifying building codes.
  2. Providing greater flexibility in lot division and ADU construction.
  3. Streamlining state agency permit processes.
  4. Reducing administrative burdens on agencies assisting with affordable housing.
  5. Rolling back regulations that discourage long-term rental investments.


Matthew’s strategy to tackle homelessness involves:

  1. Increasing affordable housing.
  2. Expanding coordinated entry services for substance use and behavioral health.
  3. Enforcing laws against public camping, loitering, and drug use.
  4. Enhancing crisis response and involuntary treatment laws.

Legislative Priorities

Matthew’s first piece of legislation would make exposing a child to fentanyl a felony, reflecting his commitment to protecting children and ensuring community safety.

Long-term Vision

In the next ten years, Matthew envisions the 24th District as a thriving region with greater economic opportunities, population growth, and civic pride. His policy proposals aim to create a safer, more affordable, and prosperous community where individuals can pursue their version of happiness.

Election Integrity

Matthew supports measures to enhance election integrity, such as:

  1. Mandating citizenship verification.
  2. Ending automatic voter registration.
  3. Enforcing timely removal of inactive voters.
  4. Funding investigations into voter fraud.
  5. Increasing transparency and audits of voting processes.
  6. Considering a referendum on mail-in voting versus polling places.

Crime Rates

To combat rising crime rates, Matthew proposes:

  1. Increasing police officers per capita.
  2. Imposing strict penalties for high-volume drug dealers.
  3. Reforming juvenile justice laws.
  4. Enhancing transparency and accountability in sentencing.
  5. Prioritizing community safety as the state’s highest responsibility.

Education Outcomes

Matthew advocates for a pilot program providing scholarships to students in failing schools, incentives for exceptional teachers, maintaining testing for grade-level performance, and ensuring parents have accurate information on school performance. He believes these actions will promote educational excellence and accountability.

Matthew Roberson’s dedication to conservative principles and practical solutions positions him as a strong advocate for the 24th District, aiming to create a safer, more prosperous, and vibrant community for all residents.

You can learn more about Matt by visiting his website, or liking and following his Facebook page, Twitter  or Instagram