Thanks to WSRP Olympia Watch for providing this information!
- HB 1024: Requiring an incarcerated person participating in a Correctional Industries work program be paid no less than minimum wage.
- HB 1025: Eliminating Qualified Immunity for Police Officers
- Scheduled for Executive Session in the House Committee on Approprations at 9AM
- HB 1045: Would establish a basic income pilot program.
- HB 1095: Extend Unemployment Benefits to those not allowed to be employed
- HB 1143 : Would establish significant new requirements to legally purchase or transfer a firearm, including a new permit requirement with fingerprinting, in addition to a background check.
- HB 1174: Would require each city, county, and tribal jail to establish a “Jail Voting Plan” to provide resources to help incarcerated individuals vote.
- HB 1181: Would add a climate change element to the Growth Management Act and require policies to reduce vehicle miles traveled.
- HB 1244: Would increase the cap on local school enrichment levies to $3,000 per pupil (same as Seattle).
- HB 1282: Would require contractors on covered projects to provide certain environmental, health, labor, and HR data about construction materials used.
- HB 1388: Would establish annual rent increase maximum and authorise the Attorney General to enforce the bill.
- HB 1389: Rent Control, to reduce rental properties and drive housing prices even higher
- HB 1391: Would eliminate consumer choice in energy
- HB 1473:Would create a Wealth Tax on WA residents.
- HB 1832: Pay per mile road usage fee
- SB 5078: Makes the firearms industry subject to the state’s public nuisance laws, creates a private right of action for those who suffered harm as a result of a firearm industry member’s acts.
- SB 5082: Would abolish advisory votes which were approved by voters through I-960 in 2007.
- SB 5209: Would require anyone who is legally eligible to register to vote in Washington state to do so and submit a ballot.
- SB 5232: Imposes a 10-day waiting period for all firearms purchases, requires completion of certified firearms training before a purchase may occur.
- SB 5237: Creating complaint procedures and removing local control over school curriculum
- SB 5241: Imposes extensive requirements for mergers, acquisitions, or contracting affiliations between hospitals, hospital systems, or provider organizations. Subjects them to AG oversight for 10 years. No material change transaction can take place if it reduces reproductive or gender affirming care (among other things).
- SB 5417: Employer Political & Religious Speech …aka Employer Gag Order bill
- SB 5427: Creates a hate crimes & bias hotline through the Attorney General’s office
- SB 5441: School district curriculum
- SB 5427: Creates a hate crimes & bias hotline through the Attorney General’s office
- SB 5462: Inclusive learning standards
- SB 5489: The SHIELD act for abortion and gender affirming healthcare. Creates a private right of action for interference with protected health care services
- SB 5557: Pay equity for part-time faculty (raises part-time faculty/adjunct pay to 85% of full-time faculty pay)
- SB 5599: Gives Gender affirming care to runaway teens, including surgical procedures, without parental consent
- Senate: View bill | Submit a comment against
- SJR 8202: Abortion constitutional amendment.