As the dust settles on the primary election, it’s time to reflect on the efforts of those who stepped up to serve our community. The LD24 race was filled with passionate individuals who saw the challenges we face and offered their time, energy, and vision to make a difference. It takes courage to run for office, and every candidate who put their name on the ballot deserves our gratitude.

Special Thanks to Hickory Grant and JR Streifel

First, I want to extend a special thank you to Hickory Grant and JR Streifel. While they did not advance to the general election, their campaigns brought important issues to the forefront, sparked meaningful conversations, and demonstrated the diversity of thought within our district. Hickory Grant’s focus on balanced governance and practical policy changes resonated with many, particularly those concerned with the well-being of our students and families. JR Streifel’s commitment to local issues and his thoughtful approach to leadership reminded us all of the importance of listening to our community.

Though the journey didn’t end as hoped in the primary, both Hickory and JR have made a lasting impact. Their dedication and the support they garnered are testaments to their vision and values. They have laid the groundwork for future efforts, and I hope we’ll continue to see their influence in our district.

Congratulations to Marcia Kelbon, Matthew Roberson, and Terry Roberts

Now, we turn our attention to the candidates who will carry the torch into the general election. A hearty congratulations to Marcia Kelbon, our candidate for Senate in LD24. Marcia has proven herself as a strong, principled leader, and I’m confident she’ll continue to champion the values that matter most to us. Her legal background and commitment to constitutional principles make her a formidable candidate who will fight for our rights and freedoms.

Matthew Roberson, our candidate for Representative in position one, has shown a deep understanding of the issues facing our district. His focus on economic growth, public safety, and education aligns with the priorities of so many voters in LD24. Matthew’s dedication to these causes is exactly what we need to ensure a prosperous and secure future.

In position two, Terry Roberts has emerged as a candidate ready to take on the challenges of our time. With a clear vision for improving our community, Terry’s campaign has centered on practical solutions that will benefit all of us. His commitment to transparency, accountability, and common-sense policies makes him an ideal representative for our district.

Get to Know Your Candidates

As we move closer to the general election on November 5, 2024, I encourage everyone in LD24 to get to know these candidates better. Elections are about more than just casting a vote—they’re about choosing leaders who will represent our values, our concerns, and our hopes for the future.

Take the time to learn about Marcia, Matthew, and Terry. Visit their websites, attend their events, and ask them questions. Understand what they stand for and how they plan to address the issues that matter most to you. This is our opportunity to ensure that our voices are heard in Olympia.

But learning about the candidates is only the first step. The general election is just a few months away, and our candidates need your help to get across the finish line. Whether it’s volunteering for a campaign, donating, or simply spreading the word to friends and family, your involvement can make a significant difference. Every conversation, every yard sign, every phone call counts.

Countdown to November 5, 2024

This is the final stretch, and it’s crucial that we all stay engaged and motivated. The decisions made on November 5 will shape the future of our community, our state, and our country. Let’s make sure we’re doing everything we can to support our candidates and encourage others to do the same.

In closing, I want to thank all the candidates, their families, and their supporters for the hard work, dedication, and passion they’ve shown throughout this election season. Our democracy is stronger because of your efforts, and our community is better for having had the opportunity to hear your ideas and vision.

As we look ahead to November, let’s do so with hope, determination, and a shared commitment to making LD24 a place where our values are upheld, and our future is secure. Together, we can ensure that the best leaders are elected to represent us, and that our voices continue to be heard.

Stay engaged, stay hopeful, and let’s make November 5, 2024, a day to remember!